Message from the Deputy Head Monk
Ven. Viharagala Kusala
The Deputy Head Monk

The founder of Buddhism was Buddha who lived and taught this noble doctrine around 2600 years ago. Since then, millions of people around the world have followed the pure spiritual path he revealed. The Buddhist way of life is a life of peace, loving kindness, and wisdom. According to Buddhist philosophy all our problems and suffering arise from confused and negative states of mind, whilst all our happiness and good fortune arise from peaceful and positive states of mind. The Buddha Dhamma taught methods for gradually overcoming negative states of mind which involve anger, jealousy, and ignorance, and developing a positive state of mind which involve love, compassion, and wisdom. Overcoming negative states of mind and developing positive states of mind enable us to experience everlasting peace and happiness. These methods will work for any individual, irrespective of age, gender, nationality. Once we learn to cultivate positive states of mind, we can teach others how to achieve this, so that they too can reap the same benefits.
Leicester Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara is a spiritual institution. I am pleased to declare that the Leicester Dharmashoka institution will always be dedicated to enhance human values, spiritual development and community care which enable it to create a peaceful and harmonious environment for all. These objectives are accomplished through practising the teaching and guidance of Theravada Buddhism. Our institution has extremely competent monks who are academically educated, who conduct programs to help support and guide any individual, regardless of their race, religion and caste.
There are numerous programs which are run under the guidance of Leicester Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara, these include the following;
- Daily chanting morning and evening
- Meditation program
- Community care
- Dhamma school
- Counselling program
- Visiting schools in Leicester and Birmingham to deliver inspirational Dhamma speeches
- Sutta Discussion (Online)
- Theravada Buddhist Studies (Courses)
If you require any further information, kindly login to our website ( or email us We welcome everyone, those who live in Leicester, in the UK and around the world to develop inner and outer peace, which is one of the greatest gifts that we all can pass onto our next generation.