Today, there are numerous ways in which to make that donation to Dahrmashoka, from cash to setting up a regular standing order with your bank. Your donation can be made of any amount and according to your preferences, convenience, and your wish.
Ways to Donate

Give Your Time
Volunteering doesn’t cost anything, and it is the “in” thing to do these days. More volunteers than ever, in all age groups and from all backgrounds, are finding their way to causes that inspire them.
Volunteering has changed dramatically over recent years. Now you can serve in person or digitally by becoming a virtual volunteer. You can even combine travel and volunteering.
You can also tailor volunteering to your interests, lifestyle, and availablity. Volunteering is great for teens, for people looking for friends and can help you land a job. It also may just make you healthier and happier.
Whether you have one hour a week or one day a year to give, use our tips to help you find your perfect volunteer opportunity.

Donate Cash
Donors often consider donating cash to be the quickest, most convenient way to give. You often have the option to make a one-time cash gift or set up a recurring monthly or annual donation.
Dharmashoka allow you to give online via a credit card in seconds.
Although it may be convenient for you, keep in mind that we will have to pay a credit card processing fee of 2.2% to 7.5% per transaction. That fee is deducted directly from your donation. If you want to maximise your charitable donation, there are even better ways to give – like donating stock.

Leave a bequest to charity in your will
There are ways you can donate to Dharmashoka that extend beyond your lifetime. One of these is to name a Dharmashoka as a beneficiary in your last will and testament. These bequests are often called planned gifts or legacy gifts.
You can donate to Dharmashoka in your will in two ways:
1. Name the Dharmashoka as the primary beneficiary for a specific gift, like a certain amount of money or stock.
2. Allocate a percentage of your total estate to Dharmashoka. Many people choose to leave 10% of their estate to a charitable cause when they make their wills.
A big benefit of leaving a gift to Dharmashoka in your will is that it costs you nothing now. Your gift will make a difference for a cause you care about without having any financial impact on you during your lifetime.

Donate Your Car, Food, or Clothing
Don’t forget about donating other things too, such as furniture, appliances, food, and clothing. Food banks and charity shops have more needs than ever.
Donate Online
The Midlands International Buddhist Association (Leicester Branch)
Bank: Lloyds Bank
Account Number: 03530472
Sortcode: 30-92-59
Start your spiritual journey
Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara is a charity organisation, wholly funded and run by the volunteers mainly by the Sri Lankan community. We would love to see more and more volunteers to help and serve all those in need. Come and make a difference and begin your spiritual journey with us.