Venerable Dr. Witharadeniye Kassapa (O.B.E.)

The most Venerable Dr. Witharadeniye Kassapa (O.B.E.) Order of British Empire. Deputy Buddhist Primate of Great Britain and head of the Birmingham Buddhist Maha Vihara and its branches of Leicester Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara and Stoke on Trent Buddhist Vihara.
He was ordained as a Buddhist monk in 1968 at the Gangaramaya Temple in Colombo under the preceptor, the Most Ven. Deundara Wachchissara Nayaka Thera and the Most Ven.Galaboda Gnanissara Nayake thera. Ven. Kassapa received his training as a novice monk at the Sri Jinaratana Bhikkhu Training Centre, at Gangaramaya, Colombo from 1968. After the completion of his monastic studies he enrolled for junior, senior and secondary education whereupon he completed the Pirivena education in 1977. He proceeded to advance his education and therefore entered the University of Sri Lanka, Kelaniya Campus, where he studied Sinhala, Pali and Buddhist Civilisation. He graduated from the University in 1981. It merits mention that the authority of the Sri Jinaratana Bhikkhu Training College and the University College appointed him as one of the teachers in 1980 while he was still an undergraduate at the university. He remained on the staff after graduation until 1983 when he was selected to teach at Sudharmarama University Pirivena in Avissawella for a short period.
1983 sent to Dar Es Salam, capital of Tanzania in East Africa by the World Fellow of Buddhist to look after Buddhist centre there. He gave Dhamma teaching to many of African countries and in 1986 came to U.K. under the invitation of Dr. Ambedkar Buddhist Society of Birmingham U.K.
He started Leicester Buddhist Vihara (The East Midlands Buddhist Association) situated at No:9, Una Avenue Leicester. He has been serving British and European community for almost 36 years. He started Midlands International Buddhist Association in U.K. 1992 known as “The Birmingham Buddhist Maha Vihara” as well as started “The International Buddhist Relief Or-ganisation” known as (I.B.R.O.) in 1995. Also, he started “Sri Lanka Ramaya” in Milano, Italy 1998.
In 1992, he founded the International Buddhist Relief Organisation (I.B.R.O.) which was recognised by the United Nations. Presently I.B.R.O. has branches in Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Tanzania, Italy, Switzerland, India, Germany, United States, Brazil, Zambia, Malawi, France and Belarus.
He has been nominated to receive Honorary Doctorate from the University of Ruhuna-Sri Lanka by its Senate and by the Supreme Sangha Council of Rohana in appreciation of his services rendered towards community in the world in 2003.
Academically he has been achieved to receive a degree on Buddhism from the University of Sri Lanka while he has completed his Masters in Community involvement from the University of Birmingham, in United Kingdom, as well as oriental studies from Pracheena Society of Sri Lanka.
Mostly Nayaka Thero has been serving in United Kingdom for more than two decades.
The Royal Ceremony of Ven.Dr. Witharandeniye Kassapa receiving OBE