Bhante Arunasiri
Resident Monk

Bhante Arunasiri is a Sri Lankan Theravada Buddhist monk who joined recently with Leicester Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara to serve the community with his Dhamma Experience.
Bhante Arunasiri received his novice ordination in 2001 at the age of 11 at Siri Kettharamaya Buddhist temple, Galle, Sri Lanka. After successful completion of the primary monastery education at Midigama Sirisumana Pirivena, he entered Vidyodya Pirivena for completion Royal Pandith, Colombo. Then He worked at Lyceum International School for three years. Further he needed to follow academic filed then he entered SIBA Campus in Kandy, Sri Lanka and graduated with First Class and on that year he received Gold Medal. Then He received MA in Buddhist Studies in Maha Chulalongkorn Rajavidyalaya University in Thailand. Meanwhile he is reading MA in Buddhist Studies at University of Kalaniya in Colombo, Sri Lanka. His research filed is Buddhist Studies. Apart from that he studied languages such as English, Sanskrit and Pali. He also completed the Diploma and Higher Diploma in Counselling Psychology at the Department of Psychology, SIBA Campus in 2010. He also completed the Diploma in Information Technology (IT) at SIBA Campus in 2010.
Bhante Arunasiri Worked at Lyceum International School in Nugegoda, Colombo for three years. And he worked as a Lecturer Department of Buddhist at SIBA Campus and He has published Books and published twenty five International, National Research papers and Journal articles. Apart from that he worked as a Editor for International Conference and National Journal.
Bhante Arunasiri has been visiting some countries in Europe and Asia to share his Dhamma knowledge with different communities. He is a well-trained meditation and Buddhist Philosophy and will guide people during his stay at Leicester Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara in United Kingdom.