Codes of Discipline

Buddha-Puja: All students must participate in the Buddha-puja and meditation at 4.00pm, before the classes begin.

Assembly: All students must participate in the assembly at 5.45pm, before dismissal at 6.00pm.

Absence: Absences must be notified in advance. Absentees without prior notice must produce a letter. Three consecutive absences, without notice, will result in parental meeting before re-admission.

Dress code: The dress code is white in colour. Every student must dress accordingly to suit the environment of a Vihara (i.e. cover appropriately) while at the school. Failure of such will result in student being sanctioned and/or sent home.

Jewellery: No hanging jewellery (except studs) for girls: hanging chain for boys: and, any sort of games are not allowed within the institute times.

Stationery: Every student is expected to have his or her own stationery such as exercise book, pen, pencil, colour pencils/markers and a file.

Note sheets, homework sheets, and any other important documents relating to the studying in this institute have to be maintained in a file and brought every time a student comes to the class.

Behaviour: Behaving unruly in the institute, especially in the shrine room, running and shouting in the premises are strictly prohibited. Students will be warned of any such behaviour immediately; sanctioned where necessary.

Using mobiles, iPods and MP3 players, and display of earphones are prohibited while at the institute premises; use of any of these devices will lead to confiscation.

No student is allowed on the first floor of the school/ centre.

Abuse: abuse, discrimination or attack on personality of any kind will not be tolerated. Any cases of abuse/bullying must be informed to the class teacher or the Principal. Sanctions will follow appropriately.

Dismissal: Without permission, no student is allowed to leave the class or Institute premises.

Senior students are expected to arrange their classroom, and clear after the class is over.

Contact: Changes of any information overleaf must be notified (esp. Mobile / Emergency contact details)