Ketapatha - Culture & Art

Ketapatha’ is a newly launched programme for the Leicester Dharmashoka Dhamma School (LDDS) students, to give them the opportunity to showcase their skills by producing works of art, poems, verses, quotes, drawings, Arts & Crafts and even pieces of songs. The purpose of launching the programme of Culture & Art is to boost students’ confidence by allowing them to express themselves through these forms of art. The program will also enable students to develop their personalities and discover talents they may not have realised they have, which will inevitably assist them in finding suitable careers in the future.   

Whichever art form the students choose to produce, ‘Ketapatha’ is the perfect opportunity for students to freely discover and test their artistic talents. It consists of various themes, styles, languages, and presentations. ‘Ketapatha’ is a great platform for our students to project their creativity, express their personalities and learn more about Buddhism in an engaging and fun manner.