Message From The Head Monk
Dr. Witharadeniye Kassapa (O.B.E.)
Deputy Buddhist Primate of Great Britain

The Leicester Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara (LDBV) is a community of monastics and lay people dedicated to traditional Theravada Buddhist training and development. Our name comes from the word ‘Dharmashoka’ in Pali Commentary & Chronicles, derived from King Ashoka, who is a pious follower of Buddhism. In our monastery, we live and train according to the methods taught by the Buddha over 2500 years ago.
Located near Leicester, the Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara’s surroundings are calm and serene. In this peaceful setting, Dharamashoka Buddhist Vihara conducts Dhamma programs to people who are interested in learning about the Buddha’s Teachings (Dhamma). The retreats held at Leicester Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara explores the whole range of Buddha’s teachings as preserved in Pali Canon. Likewise, our meditation techniques come from the Buddha, and include breath and body awareness, guided meditation, chanting and loving-kindness to gradually calm and develop the mind. All Leicester Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara retreats are offered completely free of charge.
Due to the value of our programmes, we are frequently joined by Buddhists and Non-Buddhists both in the UK and around the world. We offer in-person programmes and virtual programmes daily. In addition to that, we also offer weekly and week-end meditation programmes, morning and evening prayers, chanting programmes, Discourse (Sutta) discussion groups, counselling sessions and Sunday Dhamma school.
When the monastery is not holding retreats, we welcome visitors. Please email us to schedule a day visit. Day visitors may meditate in the inspiring setting of our Shrine Hall and also Day visitors may participate in daily paying respect to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha (worshipping) and chanting at the Temple too. We are pleased to welcome those who are interested in developing inner peace and outer peace and this undoubtedly is one of the greatest gifts that we all can pass on to the next generation.
May the Triple Gem Bless you all !
The most Venerable Dr. Witharadeniye Kassapa (O.B.E.)
Order of British Empire
Deputy Buddhist Primate of Great Britain and head of the Birmingham Buddhist Maha Vihara and its branches of Leicester Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara and Stoke on Trent Buddhist Vihara.