
Leicester Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara practices Theravada Buddhism and offers instruction in Buddhist philosophy and meditation. Instructions on Buddhism and spiritual guidance are given free of charge in the name of the Dhamma.

Online Learning
silver laptop computer with assorted logo screengrab

March 2019 – 2021

Unprecedented outbreak of Covid – SARS 2 virus around the world forced lockdowns. Dharmashoka started online learning classes.

Online Teaching

March 2019 – 2021

Unprecedented outbreak of Covid – SARS 2 virus around the world forced lockdowns. Dharmashoka started online teaching classes.

Start your spiritual journey

Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara is a charity organisation, wholly funded and run by the volunteers mainly by the Sri Lankan community. We would love to see more and more volunteers to help and serve all those in need. Come and make a difference and begin your spiritual journey with us.