Venerable Viharagala Kusala
Resident Monk

Venerable Viharagala Kusala Thero is deputy monk at the Leicester Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara since July 2017. He is very well known in UK especially for Bodhi Puja and Kavi bana apart from that he is principle of Leicester Dharmashoka Dhamma School. On the other hand he instructs for practicing meditation and holds Dhamma discussions as well.
Venerable Viharagala Kusala Thero received his novice ordination in 2004 at the age of 11 at Maha Visuddharamaya Buddhist temple, Colombo, Sri Lanka. After successful completion of the primary monastery education at Tipitaka Mulika Pirivena in Colombo. Then he entered into Vidyodya Maha Pirivena for completion Royal Pandith, Colombo. Then He worked at Dharmodya Pirivena in Colombo since 2015.
Venerable Kusala thero has been visiting some countries in Europe and Asia to share his Dhamma knowledge with different communities. He is a well-trained Chanting and Kavi Bana. Further he will instruct compassionately people during his stay at the Leicester Dharmashoka Buddhist Vihara in United Kingdom.